Wednesday, December 31, 2014
By dé Bo in Uzès
Here is a great tip on a shop in Uzès thanks to our friend Julie Mautner of The Provence Post.
Friday, December 12, 2014
Rainy Day Adventures - #rainyday #uzès
Sometimes it rains, and sometimes it rains all day!
So, when that happens, it’s time to get the umbrella and go exploring!
We headed to St Quentin-la-Poterie, which is just 5 kilometers northwest of Uzès. As the name suggests, it has been a center for pottery for a long time. In fact, many of the tiles for the Palais des Papes in Avignon were made there in the 14th century. So, when you wander the little streets of this ancient village, it’s easy to conger up images of 14th century artisans working on their tiles. It is also easy to walk into the present day artist’s shops and admire their beautiful pots!
Back in Uzès, the Wednesday marché was going on… even in the rain. After all, we still need to cook our dinner! And, look how happy the carrots and lettuce are.
After a quick wander around the market stalls, we headed to Chez Cerise, a cozy little restaurant on the place Dampmartin. Now, I don’t want to sound too “over-the-top” here, but this place really is the answer to all of your romantic fantasies about little French cafés. On this lovely, rainy day there was a fire in the fireplace, Michel Legrand music playing and one of the best lunches we have had in some time! How’s that for the answer to your dreams about France?
Chez Cerise is open Wednesday – Sunday 9-4pm Tel:
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Rainy Day Adventures - #rainyday #uzès
Marché de Noël Uzès - #uzès #christmas #market
The weather has been wet the past few weeks, but now the sun is out, and the sky is blue! So, we are getting into the holiday spirit and looking forward to the Christmas markets. In Uzès, the market will be this weekend, beginning Saturday December 13 in the evening, and on Sunday and Monday d ...
Saturday, October 11, 2014
Avignon Blues Festival - #Avignon #Blues
Something else to do this weekend!
Avignon is an easy 39 kilometer (24 mile) drive just east of Uzès.
So, if you like the Blues, this looks like the place to be!
Avignon Blues Festival - #Avignon #Blues
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Fête du Goût à Uzès - #uzès
If you are one of those people who is drawn to France because of the food and wine, then the week of October 13-19, 2014 is for you.
Perhaps you are asking what is the Fête du Goût?
The English translation is simply Festival of Taste. Since 1990, on the initiative of the food writer Jean-Luc Petitrenaud, the Ministry of National Education has sponsored a week in October to bring together local, regional and national sources in order to learn more about France’s culinary heritage and the food industry. French students from kindergarten to high school participate in the event. The aim is to educate consumers, including children, about the diversity and the pleasure of tastes and flavors. Of course, this includes encouraging good eating habits as part of a balanced and sustainable way of life.
But enough of the dry explanations and on to the fun!
In Uzès on Sunday, October 12, there will be a full day of festivities. There will be foods, wines, music, dance and even a waiter’s race! This will be a great time for the whole family. If you are in the area, don’t miss the fun. Or, make a note on your calendar to come to Uzès next year to attend!!
A bientôt!
Fête du Goût à Uzès - #uzès
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Mi Nuit Blanche - Art event - #uzès #art
A wonderful evening is planned for this Friday in Uzès!
Mi Nuit Blanche is an artistic event featuring the visual arts. The idea was originated by the association called ‘et alors l’art’ in cooperation with the cultural office of Uzès. “et alors l’art” is devoted to bringing together artists in joint projects (exhibitions, events, meetings, etc.), to promote and popularize contemporary art. This event is unique in Languedoc Roussillon. There will be artists, music and festivities scattered all about Uzès from 7pm until midnight. Come with family and friends to see and enjoy all that this event has to offer! More information and complete program:
Une Nuit blanche est une manifestation artistique principalement dédiée aux arts plastiques et inscrite au plan national le premier ou deuxième week-end d’octobre. Cette idée lancée par l’association ”et alors l’art?” a fait écho avec la ville et l’office municipal de la culture d’Uzès. Pour une première édition qui est également unique en Languedoc Roussillon, le programme est établi de 19h à Minuit. Plus d’infos et programme complet sur
Mi Nuit Blanche - Art event - #uzès #art
Friday, September 26, 2014
Christophe and Dominique launch their new website!
We are proud to unveil our new website of rental properties in the Uzège area! For the past few months, we have been working with our website designer to create a site that is exactly what you will need when looking for a vacation rental. Each house or apartment in our collection has been chosen for it’s charm and comfort. These beautifully restored old buildings are fully equipped with all of the modern conveniences you will need for a perfect vacation in France! We invite you to sign up to for our blog. From time to time, we will send out information about our properties, promotions and interesting things to do in the Uzège area. Also, please share with anyone you think may be interested! We hope you take the time to look at our website and the rental properties we manage and if you are interested in renting a property or advertising your property on our website, we would love to hear from you. We hope to see you soon!
Dominique and Christophe
Nous sommes fiers de vous dévoiler notre nouveau site internet de locations saisonnières et de gestion de propriétés dans la région de l’Uzège! Cette fine sélection de maison ou appartement s’est faite selon des critères pointus en terme de charme, de confort et de style. Toutes ces anciennes bâtisses et immeubles historiques restaurées ont tout le confort moderne d’une maison traditionnelle qui feront de vos vacances à Uzès un moment authentique et inoubliable! Par ce message, nous vous invitons aussi à participer à notre blog en vous inscrivant à la lettre d’information. De temps à autre nous vous enverrons des nouvelles de ce qui se passe à Uzès, des choses à faire dans la région ainsi que les promotions de dernières minutes sur les biens en location. Nous espérons que vous prendrez plaisir à visiter notre site et que si vous souhaitez séjourner dans la région, vous nous contacterez! Si aussi vous souhaitez ajouter votre maison à notre sélection, faites le nous savoir! En espérant vous croiser bientôt dans la région! Dominique and Christophe |
Christophe and Dominique launch their new website!