Friday, February 19, 2010

Grape Harvesting Memories

While sorting through pictures, trying to clean out the mess on my computer, I came across these pictures from when Christophe did the grape harvesting last year. He worked for Yves Gangloff, a French wine maker known for his Côte Rotie, Condrieu and eccentric lifestyle. Not only did Christophe pick and press the grapes, but he learned about the process of wine making. He had an incredible experience and hopes to harvest again this year!
People are always curious as to how to get involved with the grape harvesting in France. We are organizing a grape harvesting adventure with A Taste of France Tours. Coming soon!
Yves Gangloff and his dog

The vineyards.

Picking grapes with a view of the Rhône River.Porter, or carrier for grapes.
Late morning picnic in the vineyards everyday.Tasting at the winery.
Lunch prepared by Matilde and served at the winery.
French boys pressing grapes in their underwear!

pictures by Christophe


  1. Hi, what a great idea to do a grape harvest adventure tour. Let me know when you have details and I'll post it on my blog for you.

  2. If you can swing a grape harvesting tour in Cote Rotie or Condrieu, sign me up! That would be an amazing experience...

  3. We will let you know as soon as we can. The first tour will be in the Southern Côtes du Rhône area. It's hard getting your foot into the wineries in the Northern area if you are not European. There are so many work laws and the wineries are very cautious about not breaking them. More info to come soon!

  4. french winemakers and american plumbers -- they crack me up.
